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What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the act of promoting and selling products and services by leveraging online marketing tactics such as social media marketing, search marketing, and email marketing.

  • Digital Marketing is the art of Building Trust, Educating a potential customer, Understanding another person who might be interested in your product/service/opinion.
So let’s understand what exactly is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a term defined to achieve your business objectives and goals using the online channels that include but are not limited to search engines, social media platforms, content creation & advertising in order to educate, engage & market your product or service to potential buyers.

Just a decade ago, if a business wanted to reach out to target customers they would promote using traditional marketing mediums such as TV, radio, print. Simply because that’s where the potential customers’ used to spend their time. However as humans evolved our technology advanced giving rise to a digital revolution. To simply state, people started spending more time on online platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc to stay acquainted with news, entertainment and commerce. Hence, today our lives run on a click.

But does that mean TV, print, radio don’t work any more? No, not at all! We cannot say that traditional marketing efforts do not have any impact. Rather, it goes hand in hand with digital marketing and the distribution has evened out.

Digital has become a part of our existence. From shopping apparel to groceries, furniture & getting laundry delivered everything is online. With this new shift, marketers did not waste anytime and quickly adapted to use social media & other digital tools to push & pull the consumer which gave birth to Digital marketing.


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