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Top skills recruiters will demand in 2020

After the COVID-19 outbreak, companies cancelling job interviews is a common scenario.

Finding a new job can be challenging during these uncertain times, but one thing that can never stop you during the COVID crisis is the eagerness to prepare yourself for a bright future.

While we sail through the crisis, it is wise not to wait for things to settle down.

Take charge of your career growth by upskilling with some trending and free online courses.

So, how you should go ahead with selecting an online course?

Well, you should clearly know what recruiters want.

There are certain skills that recruiters demand across the functions and industries.

Preparation is the key to success and it holds true during unprecedented times we are facing now.

Here’s a list of top skills recruiters demand and accordingly, you can plan to pursue a certification course to stay ahead of the competition.

We live in a time of great change career-wise; jobs are lost to automation and others are changing what skills are required. With changes like these in the market, you may be considering a shift to a career in technology or, perhaps, you’re already in the field and want to advance. Whatever your reason, we’ve pulled together a list of the 10 highest paying tech jobs in 2020 for you. 

1.Digital marketing

With every business transforming into digital processes now, if there is a time for digital marketers to come to the fore, it is actually now.

Whether the current scenario will boost the opportunities for digital marketing professionals or not, take a leap in your career by developing the right skills now.

Online courses on digital marketing help you to learn to create marketing content, use social media to amplify messages, make content discoverable in search, run Ads campaigns, and effectively advertise on Facebook.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

COVID-19 crisis has indeed brought a significant impact on search behaviors, media consumption, and consumer mobility.

With the majority of companies turning to organic searches for building an online reputation, developing SEO skills will add value to your resume.

Pursuing a course in SEO will help you learn how to optimize your website and appear higher in search results to increase traffic on the website.

There are several free online courses that can be completed at the ease of studying at home.

3. Project management

While COVID-19 will affect demand and impact businesses everywhere, it is crucial for businesses to analyze their preparedness by monitoring the key business projects.

Online courses for Project Management develops skills in project plan execution and monitor project progress.

Explore the five phases of the project management lifecycle, which will show you how to create a project plan, execute that plan, and monitor progress before closing the project.

4. Data analysis

The present unprecedented times have forced businesses to proactively analyze their business data, supply chain disruptions and filter out the overall impact on a company’s business.

Data analytics skills would be needed in almost every business.

Pursuing a course will introduce you to the basics of data analysis and help you to develop the required skills in the field.

You will develop an in-depth understanding of the entire data analysis process.

5. Software architecture & design

The new digital economy will create a major boost in the demand for software architecture & design skillset.

Online courses in Software Architecture & Design focuses on teaching the principles and concepts involved in the analysis and design of large software systems.

While none of us can predict how the things will be post the COVID crisis, assessing your preparedness is the need of the hour.

So, invest your time in upskilling with some useful courses that will add value to your CV.

6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineer develops, manages and oversees AI initiatives within an organization. Some say it will soon rival data scientists in need of skilled professionals. 
An AI engineer should have a deep knowledge of mathematics and statistics. In addition, an AI engineer will: 

  • Have solid programming skills and know Python, R, and Torch
  • Understand how TensorFlow and other similar technologies work
  • Have a clear understanding of technologies related to AI, including Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Deep Learning

The average yearly salary of an AI engineer is $119,000.

7. Full-Stack Developer

It is difficult to pin down a definition for a full stack developer, but the closest description would be someone who is well-versed in both front-end and back-end development or someone with skills in every stage of development. Regardless of the variety of definitions, 2017 saw more demand than ever for these professionals. 

Some of the knowledge and skills required to become a full-stack developer are:

  • Technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js
  • How to design and develop an API
  • Coding and scripting
  • The fundamentals of web development
  • Basics of database technologies

A full-stack developer is usually responsible for designing and building APIs using MEAN stack technologies, ensuring the applications created are responsive and keep to the required standards, making sure the created code has integrity intact and implementing data security.

The average yearly salary of a full stack developer is $110,000.

8. Cloud Architect

A cloud architect deploys and oversees an organization’s cloud computing strategy. Some of the skills and knowledge required by a cloud architect include:

  • A thorough understanding of cloud application architecture
  • Knowledge of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure
  • Good communication skills

A cloud architect typically is responsible for developing cloud architecture, developing a cloud strategy and coordinating the implementation and deployment of it, and ensuring application architecture and deployments in the cloud environment are done properly. 

The average yearly salary of a cloud architect is $118,000.

9. DevOps Engineer 

A DevOps engineer is not a clearly defined role. It could refer to someone on the development team taking part in the deployment and network operations, or to someone from the operations team working on application development. Some of the skills required of a DevOps engineer include:

  • Coding and scripting
  • Understanding deployment and network operations
  • Familiarity with DevOps
  • DevOps tools like Git and Jenkins 
  • Knowledge of Linux or Unix system administration

A DevOps engineer might be responsible for designing and maintaining a deployment infrastructure, integrating cloud services so that processes can be automated, or shell scripting in PHP/Python and Ruby.

The average yearly salary of a DevOps engineer is $123,000.

10. Blockchain Engineer

A blockchain engineer specializes in developing and implementing architecture and solutions using blockchain technology. Due to the rapid rise of this technology, we already have a shortage of trained professionals for this role. 

A blockchain engineer should have solid programming skills and a thorough understanding of the technologies behind Ripple, R3, Etherium, and Bitcoin as well as consensus methodologies and the security protocol stacks, crypto libraries, and functions.

The average yearly salary of a blockchain engineer is $130,000.

Good Luck!!


  1. Nice thanks for the details information


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