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How To Remove Or Change Logo From Theme In Moodle

Moodle is a very powerful Learning Management System which is the Open Source Code. It has a very Unique & Powerful feature. This is Maximum used by University, Colleges, School & Coaching Or any Educational Institute to maintain attendance, assignment, Live Classes and many more.

How To Remove Favicon/Logo of Moodle site identity
Follows the following steps to change the header logo of moodle:-
  1. Log into the Moodle Dashboard
  2. Select Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Formal white in the Settings on the left.
  3. On the theme properties page, Select never from the Display credits to box. Save changes.

    4. Next, make sure the theme cache is cleared for the changes to show on the site. Go to Site              administration > Appearance > Themes Theme selector.

Click Clear theme caches.

Now the Moodle brand logo will not display at the bottom of the theme any more.


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