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Signs He’s Not That Into You (Time To Move On!)

  1. Low Connection Rate:If the connection and communication lines don’t flow like they used to then I think your relationship is in a little bit of trouble. Someone who loves you will try to be in touch with you whether it’s by physically meeting up with you or it is calls and text messages.

    He tries to communicate, just to feel an illusion of togetherness. If this doesn’t exist or you only talk when he manages to meet up or when you call then this is a major sign that he is not interested in you anymore.

  2. He Doesn’t Introduce You To His Circle
    I am not saying you have to know all his friends but men are show-offs. So, when you do not know his circle then this is one of the signs he’s not into you.

    He would always want his friends and family to see the treasure he has, this goes for all men, we all want to show our woman to the world.

  3. You Have No Place In The Future He Dreams Of
    Still on how he sounds and his use of words, there are signs he has lost interest in you. The most important speech for a man is any that has to do with his future and the dreams that keep him up every night.

    So, ask yourself if you are the main character next to him in this dream or you are just a one-scene appearance – even worst, you may not be amongst the cast. Listen to him when he talks about his future because in between his words you could find signs he’s not into you.

  4. You Are Always First
    It is simple, we know it is not a competition but then, you should subconsciously try to outdo each other and if his efforts do not match your own then there is a problem.

    You can not and should not be the first to reach out every time. Who calls first? Who texts first? Who always asks for a meetup? If all these questions turn to your reflection in the mirror then it is time to move on because he is no longer interested in your relationship.

  5. Isn’t interested in your life
    Loving is also trying to locate each other in your individual stories and knowing more about it all. At the beginning of the relationship he was keener on knowing about your life and what was happening than anything else. Starting from a fight at the office to why you were looking blue, it was a source of curiosity for him. But of late, the interest regarding you is less and scooting towards a routine questionnaire and not a genuine intrigue that drives him.

    He could be asking you something but when you start answering he gets distracted and then he starts talking about something else. This is a clear sign he loves you no longer. He simply isn’t interested in you


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