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Basic interview questions:

Interview skills are an essential tool for all students in today's world of employment as there is increasing competition for job vacancies. This is largely due to the rise in graduation rates, consequently there are far more candidates applying for the same jobs.
Interviewing is a skill in and of itself, one in which your ability to interact with the interviewer and to articulate your thoughts are factors that are just as important in getting the job as are the qualifications listed on your resume. Here is a list of interview skills that will help you get hired:-
List of Some Basic Interview Questions:-
  1. Introduce Yourself/Tell me something about yourself in Brief.
  2. Describe who you are. or Tell me about your background.
  3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  4. What are your strong points? or What are your strengths?
  5. What is your greatest fear?
  6. Do you have any serious medical issues?
  7. What is your goal?
  8. What is your short term goal?
  9. What is your Long Term Goal?
  10. Tell me something about your academic background?
  11. Why did you choose (mention course name) course?
  12. What did you learn during this course?
  13. What is your technical expertise?
  14. Who is your Idea Person?
  15. Tell me something about your Ideal Person?
  16. Where do you see yourself 3 years from now? or Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  17. What would you do if you are not hire?
  18. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself as a leader?
  19. How much marks would you give me as an interviewer?
  20. What do you think will you pass Interview?
  21. How long do expect to remain with this Company?
  22. Why do you want to join this Company?
  23.  What do you know about Us/Company?
  24. If some other company offers you a high Salary or a Better position what would you do?
  25. What is more Important for you your carrier or Family?
  26. What is your dream Job?
  27. Where do you want to Job in your Hometown or in some other area?
  28. Are you comfortable relocating yourself?
  29. Tell me something about your Father?
  30. Tell me something about your Mother?
  31. Tell me something about your brother and sister?
  32. Tell me something about your best friend?
  33. Tell me something about your favorite Teacher(why?)?
  34. Tell me something about your Place(current one)?
  35. Tell me something about your state?
  36. Tell me something about your native Place?
  37. Tell me something about your first day in your college?
  38. Tell me something about your memorable incident of your Life?
  39. What is your opinion about(any important issue of current affairs)?
  40. Who is your Ideal Leader and why?
  41. What is your opinion(any controversial issue)?
  42. Tell me something about your daily Routine?
  43. How did you spend your last Sunday/last evening/Previous day?
  44. How do you work under pressure? Can you handle the pressure?
  45. Can you complete the work within in the given time Frame?
  46. Have you ever Failed?
  47. How would you handled and taken Failure?
  48. What makes you unique?
  49. Why do you want the job in Private Sector(and not in the Government sector)?
  50. What kind of changes do you want to bring through IT(as per Sector)?
  51. What is the salary do you expect?
  52. Do you have any question for me?
  53. Difference between Hard work and smart work?
  54. Will you do wrong things for the Organization?/Would you lie for the Company?
  55. What makes you angry?
  56. Will you complaint against your boss if He/She is doing anything wrong?
  57. Why is there a gap of 1 year in your Academic Session(if any one have)?
  58. If you won a Rs.10-crore lottery, would you still work?
  59. Give me an example of your creativity.
  60. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
  61. Are you reliable? or Can I trust you with responsibilities?
  62. What’s your absenteeism record like?(not for Fresher)
  63. How do you respond to change?
  64. What are your hobbies? or What are you passionate about?
  65. What motivates you?
  66. Are you open to take risks? or Do you like experimenting?
  67. How quickly do you adapt to new technology?
  68. How do you feel about working weekends and night shifts?


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