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अनकहे अल्फ़ाज़ मेरे ❤️"कभी तुम्हारे साथ💗💗"

  कभी तुम्हारे साथ💗💗 सुबह की पहली किरण देखना चाहता हूँ तुम्हारे साथ शाम को ढलते हुए देखना चाहता हूँ तुम्हारे साथ ❤️ चाँदनी रात में बैठ कर बाते करना चाहता हूँ तुम्हारे साथ 💖 पूरी दुनिया देख पाऊँ या नहीं तुम्हारे साथ पता नहीं 💗 बस खुद को तुम्हारी आँखों👀 में देखना चाहता हूँ तकदीरों में क्या लिखा है पता नहीं 💕 पर तुम्हारी हथेलियों को अपने हथेलियों में देखना चाहता हूँ मैं तुम्हारे साथ उम्र का हर पड़ाव देखना चाहता हूँ धुंधली होती आँखों की रौशनी के साथ मैं सिर्फ ओर सिर्फ तुमको देखना चाहता हूँ ❤️ #ForSomeOneSpecial❤️
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Top Programming Languages (2020)

Programming Language:-  A programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a   computer   or computing device to perform specific tasks. The term   programming language   usually refers to   high-level languages , such as   BASIC ,   C ,   C++ ,   COBOL ,   Java ,   FORTRAN ,   Ada , Python and   Pascal . Each programming language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a special syntax for organizing program instructions. Programmers, software engineers, web developers, and more depend on coding languages. Coding languages allow these professionals to accurately instruct computers and similar devices in how to perform specific tasks. By “speaking” to the computer in a language that it can easily understand and follow, coders are able to create programs capable of doing great things, from displaying an image on a screen to landing a probe on another planet. List of the Top 20 Programming Languages 1.JavaScript (React.js and Node.js

Top 10 Interview Questions & Answers

Today i am going to tell you about Top 10 Interview Questions and answers. Everyone prepare for the Interview either you are a Fresher or you are a experience but we always prepare for a Interview and we want to know what are the top 10 Interview Questions and Answer because Interviewer ask question and we have to give them Satisfactory answer. So Lets start One by One:--- Tell me about yourself? This is the Top most interview question asked in almost every Interview, Interviewer want to know that how you Describe Yourself. So first I tell you what are the points while giving answer to such kind of  questions:- Start with your Name Give your place information Education in short Job experience if any Family details in short Example- My name is Abhinav Kumar. I live in Mumbai. I have done B.E and MBA in  HR. I have 2 years experience in HR and I have my Parents in my family in Mumbai. Why do you want to work at our Company? Tell them what you like about company Relate it to your long-ter

Basic interview questions:

Interview skills  are an essential tool for all students in today's world of employment as there is increasing competition for job vacancies. This is largely due to the rise in graduation rates, consequently there are far more candidates applying for the same jobs. Interviewing  is a  skill  in and of itself, one in which your ability to interact with the interviewer and to articulate your thoughts are factors that are just as important in getting the job as are the qualifications listed on your resume. Here is a list of  interview skills  that will help you get hired:- List of Some Basic Interview Questions:- Introduce Yourself/Tell me something about yourself in Brief. Describe who you are. or Tell me about your background. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your strong points? or What are your strengths? What is your greatest fear? Do you have any serious medical issues? What is your goal? What is your short term goal? What is your Long Term Goal? Tell me something

Top skills recruiters will demand in 2020

After the COVID-19 outbreak, companies cancelling job interviews is a common scenario. Finding a new job can be challenging during these uncertain times, but one thing that can never stop you during the COVID crisis is the eagerness to prepare yourself for a bright future. While we sail through the crisis, it is wise not to wait for things to settle down. Take charge of your career growth by upskilling with some trending and free online courses. So, how you should go ahead with selecting an online course? Well, you should clearly know what recruiters want. There are certain skills that recruiters demand across the functions and industries. Preparation is the key to success and it holds true during unprecedented times we are facing now. Here’s a list of top skills recruiters demand and accordingly, you can plan to pursue a certification course to stay ahead of the competition. We live in a time of great change career-wise; jobs are lost to automation and others are changing what skills

What is a computer virus? How they spread and 5 signs you've been infected

Computer virus definition A computer virus is a form of malicious software that piggybacks onto legitimate application code in order to spread and reproduce itself. Like other types of  malware , a virus is deployed by attackers to damage or take control of a computer. Its name comes from the method by which it infects its targets. A biological virus like HIV or the flu cannot reproduce on its own; it needs to hijack a cell to do that work for it, wreaking havoc on the infected organism in the process. Similarly, a computer virus isn't itself a standalone program. It's a code snippet that inserts itself into some other application. When that application runs, it executes the virus code, with results that range from the irritating to the disastrous. In everyday conversation and the popular press, people often use  virus  and  malware  interchangeably. But strictly speaking a virus is a specific type of malware that fits the definition above. The two other main types are  Trojans